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Darwin Correspondence Project

Adolf von Koenen


German geologist. Following two years of practical mining studies, studied geology at the University of Berlin; PhD 1865, habilitation 1867. Extraordinary professor of geology, University of Marburg, 1873; professor, 1878. Professor, University of Göttingen, 1881–1907. Worked on stratigraphy, palaeontology, geological cartography, and tectonics.


Sarjeant 1980–96, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Monatsberichte 67 (1915): 229–68.


Sarjeant, William A. S. 1980–96. Geologists and the history of geology: an international bibliography. 10 vols. including supplements. London: Macmillan. Malabar, Fla.: Robert E. Krieger Publishing.
