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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. E. Darwin   [November 1857]1

Thursday Evening

My dear William

I wrote a few days since to Mr Wilson, the Tutor, near Norwich & got an answer this morning saying that his house was full & he could not receive you.2 I am extremely much provoked that I did not write sooner.— I have written this morning to Mr Mayor to ask if he could advise any one else.3 I have been a “muff” about the affair.—

Your last note was a very nice one, & written very well, thanks to my jobation to you.— The Grey mare is all right & we have taken her up to get her ready for you.— She has been very seldom in the tax-cart, for she makes such a fuss in starting, that she is hardly safe; & I do not think Parslow much likes riding her,4 so I am inclined to think we had better sell her after the holidays.— I am glad to hear you are going on with your painting, it so nice & useful an amusement. Aunt Catherine has got a small house in Regents’ Park, in York Terrace, on the opposite side to Cumberland Terrace,5 & she proposes having you for a visitor for a fortnight & giving you some good lessons from some good master.6


Dated from the reference to Emily Catherine Darwin taking a house in London (see letter to W. D. Fox, 30 October [1857], and n. 5, below).
See letter to W. E. Darwin, 29 [October 1857]. William Greive Wilson was the rector of Forncett, Norfolk. Apparently Wilson was eventually engaged, for there is an entry in CD’s Account book (Down House MS) on 6 February 1858 for a payment to him.
Robert Bickersteth Mayor was William Darwin’s housemaster at Rugby.
See letters to W. E. Darwin, 25 [November 1856] and 10 [December 1856].
Emily Catherine Darwin, CD’s younger sister, took a house near the home of Hensleigh and Fanny Mackintosh Wedgwood, who lived at 17 Cumberland Terrace, Regent’s Park, London (Post Office London directory 1857).
There is an entry in CD’s Account book (Down House MS) on 17 July 1857  for ‘Willy Clothes Drawing Utensils & present’.


Post Office London directory: Post-Office annual directory. … A list of the principal merchants, traders of eminence, &c. in the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent … general and special information relating to the Post Office. Post Office London directory. London: His Majesty’s Postmaster-General [and others]. 1802–1967.


Is trying to find a tutor for WED.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Erasmus Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 210.6: 21
Physical description

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 2095,” accessed on 3 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 6
