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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Anton Stecker to Francis Darwin   12 March 1878


March 12th. 1878.

Dear Sir—

I beg you to accept my best thanks for your kind letter and to tell to your venerable father that I consider it my first duty to send to him the first copy of the Bohemian translation of his works. We beginn with publishing the “Origin of Species” and then we shall edit the “Descent of Man”.—1 To day I would write to your father in another matter, but as I believe that you will be so kind as to communicate to Mr. Charles Darwin the contents of this letter, I shall add my petition to it: For years it was my earnest desire, to obtain any occupation either as Assistant on a Zoological Museum or so at Indies or in Australia, or to be able to accompany an expedition as naturalist (Zoologist). Butt till now I did not succeed in my proposition. I therefore beg Mr: Charles Darwin, because I know very well, what an influence has his word in England, to be so kind as to inform me, if there is such a occupation to be obtained. I should be obliged to heartiest thanks to him by giving me any notice or by indicating me that person who has any decided word in it. Mr: Charles Darwin as well as you will certainly have me excused that I who am quite unknown to you allow me to write you in such a way. But as I am still young enough and it was my earnest desire for years, I believe that I shall be perhaps in any way useful, and I therefore endeavour to effect what was my first wish for so many years.— You will oblige me by accepting some of my zoological treatises I send to you per book-post.2

I am dear Sir | very Truly yours | Dr: Ant. Stecker.

To Francis Darwin, Esqu:


The letter from Francis Darwin has not been found; see, however, the letter from Anton Stecker, 9 March 1878 and n. 1. No Czech translations of CD’s works were published in the nineteenth century.
No publications by Stecker have been found in the Darwin Archive–CUL. He had published on embryonic development in the Arachnida (Stecker 1876).


Stecker, Anton. 1876. The development of the ova of Chthonius in the body of the mother, and the formation of the blastoderm. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4th ser. 18: 197–207.


Will publish Origin first

and then Descent.

AS is looking for a job in a zoological museum or accompanying an expedition.

Letter details

Letter no.
Anton Stecker
Francis Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 177: 250
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11418,” accessed on 1 June 2024,
