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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Fanny Owen   4 October [1830]


Monday morning | 4th. Ocber

Dear Charles—

I send yr book by Francis who promises me to deliver it this evening so I hope you will get it in time— I suppose yr. principal Horse has started before this, how nervous you will be till he gets to the end of his journey without broken knees — no insinivations I don’t mean against the superb animal but accidents will happen we all know— Owen is at this moment scouring the Country on my Goldfinder the Hounds met near Nesscliff early this morning so I lent it him to hunt with them—if he should come home lame—“I shall be bereft indeed—’ Owen leaves us today for Wrexham Races and is off to Norwich on Thursday— we shan’t have him at Dose Hall (as he calls it) this winter again.— Of course Susan has given you a true and correct account of all the proceedings here last week we had excellent fun and Miss Ansons siege of “The Hill” astonished all our weak minds. I could imagine a good deal but the forces were brought on so well the cannonade so quick, and the barricades so dexterously managed, I’m sure no General of the Age could come near her in skill & science

We have been in such a whirl here ever since I saw you, & promis’d to send you some scrawl of mine that ⁠⟨⁠I⁠⟩⁠ have really had not one moment to myself to do it, but lest you should think me a perfidious deceiver I send you one out of my Book it is very badly done but I will really and truly do you another so you must burn this when you get it, which shall be when you next honor the Forest with yr presence— How long the Ansons will stay I can’t guess but Owen says till May. Milady is going over to consult Dr Darwin & I really think the best advice he can give her is change of air give him a hint if you can— I must finish this scrawl as I am wanted to mount guard The Duty comes very heavy now— I shall write to Cath tomorrow tell her— believe me dr. Charles | ever yrs. very truly | F. Owen


News of family, friends, horses.

Letter details

Letter no.
Frances (Fanny) Mostyn Owen/Frances (Fanny) Myddelton Biddulph
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 204: 49
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 85,” accessed on 10 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
