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Darwin Correspondence Project

To J. de C. Sowerby   10 September [1850]

Down Farnborough Kent

Sept 10th.—

My dear Sir

I am obliged for all you have done for me.—

The woodcuts1 require but trifling alterations; & I have appended full instructions: please send me a tracing of the lower or altered part of No I, when you have altered the drawing.—

I send a fine specimen of scutum of P. validus which will be easier for you to draw from, than that which you already have.—

I will first tell you what additional figures I must have done, & then we will discuss how it can be done.— But first observe that I find from fresh specimens that I have probably confounded two distinct species under name of S.(?). undulatum;2 —if the figures of this species are engraved, there will be some unavoidable confusion in the placing of the figures.— Of new figures, I shd. like;


(1).P. Nilssonii, scutum, quite small & simple; if that cd be introduced near the carina & two other valves, it wd be a great advantage3

(2).Scalpellum undulatum. carina long & narrow

(3). do. do. do, lateral view of short upper portion.

(4) do. do. —— section of upperportion. quite small

(5). do. do. Carinal Latus, small; this might be done as a woodcut if you are much pressed for room.—

Again if these can go with the tergum it wd be best, but probab- ly it will be too late.

(6) Scalpellum semiporcatum scutum of medium or even small size:4 this ought to be introduced near S. tuberculatum & Oxynaspis cretæ; but of course this does not signify much.—

even this might be done as woodcut, I think. [/Diagram]

I send diagrams as before of all these new figures.—

Now if you must leave out some other figures to introduce these, please leave out all four figures of P. Hausmanni—5 Or could you manage (which I should prefer) by leaving out only Fig 2 of P. Hausmanni & fig. 4 of P. carinatus & fig 5 of P dorsatus.?— You told me you had introduced some figures not directed by me could you leave out any such, & thus gain space.— I am sure you will endeavour to do what you can to oblige me: please to observe that any extra work beyond your Estimate with Pal. Soc. will of course be paid for, by communicating with Mr Bowerbank, to whom I have written stating that a few extra figures would be required.— Please to keep an account of any charges for Carriage.—

I hope to God I have now come to the end of my specimens.—

When your Plates are all engraved & I have proof-sheets, I will come to London & compare specimens at Park St & so avoid having so much writing to you.— I shd. be glad to know some days before the Proofs are ready, that I might arrange my plans accordingly

My dear Sir | Your’s very faithfully | C. Darwin


See letter to Richard Owen, 10 September [1850] (calendar number 1356).
These specimens were figured under the name Scalpellum solidulum (Fossil Cirripedia (1851): Tab. I, fig. 8). For the source of the confusion, see letter to J. de C. Sowerby, 1 September [1850], n. 2.
The scutum was added (Fossil Cirripedia (1851): Tab. III, fig. 11a).
All four were retained (Fossil Cirripedia (1851): Tab. III, fig. 3).


Fossil Cirripedia (1851): A monograph on the fossil Lepadidæ, or, pedunculated cirripedes of Great Britain. By Charles Darwin. London: Palaeontographical Society. 1851.


New specimens have shown CD he has two distinct species under one name [in Fossil Cirripedia (Lepadidae)]. He adds new figures and suggests deletions. Will come to London when he has proofs.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
James de Carle Sowerby
Sent from
Source of text
American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1354,” accessed on 2 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 4
